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Office Renovation
SFM Mutual Insurance Company
BWBR partnered with SFM to create a destination for employees that supports a new hybrid work culture. Most of SFM’s...

Hybrid Workspace
BWBR Architects, Inc.
In this new world of hybrid work, BWBR utilizes our offices as living test labs for a variety of work...

Workplace Renovations
Securian Financial
Securian Financial has a long history of collaboration with BWBR, including the design of the 400 Robert Street tower in...

R & D Innovation Center
This project creates a campus supporting a new research and development facility and customer experience center showcasing the company’s scientific...

New City Hall
City of Waukesha
The former City Hall was built in 1965 and was beginning to pose significant maintenance and operational concerns. By designing...

Headquarters Relocation
SRF Consulting Group
SRF is a creative, growing consulting firm committed to improving the future of public infrastructure systems. Envisioning a new headquarters...

Workplace Remodel
League of Minnesota Cities
After successfully occupying the same space for 30 years, the League of Minnesota Cities recognized an evolution in staff workstyles...

Research & Development Building
Fortune 500 Company
This Fortune 500 Company sought to increase its competitive advantage, promote cross-divisional efficiencies, and improve its safety and operations. The resulting four-story research...

Corporate Headquarters Master Plan and Phased Renovation
CHS Inc.
CHS, a member-owned global agribusiness, partnered with BWBR in 2015 to create a master plan aimed at revitalizing and better...